Address Type
| Business Address | 4,904 |
| Residential Address | 90,811 |
| 20-25 | 3,506 |
| 26-30 | 6,652 |
| 31-35 | 7,938 |
| 36-40 | 8,758 |
| 41-45 | 9,090 |
| 46-50 | 8,843 |
| 51-55 | 9,267 |
| 56-60 | 8,610 |
| 61-65 | 7,673 |
| 66 & over | 22,271 |
Annual Income
A | Under $15,000 | 2,893 |
B | $15,000 thru 19,999 | 1,969 |
C | $20,000 thru 24,999 | 1,729 |
D | $25,000 thru 29,999 | 2,048 |
E | $30,000 thru 34,999 | 2,932 |
F | $35,000 thru 39,999 | 2,816 |
G | $40,000 thru 44,999 | 2,767 |
H | $45,000 thru 49,999 | 3,644 |
I | $50,000 thru 54,999 | 3,922 |
J | $55,000 thru 59,999 | 2,418 |
K | $60,000 thru 64,999 | 3,103 |
L | $65,000 thru 69,999 | 2,084 |
M | $70,000 thru 74,999 | 3,662 |
N | $80,000 and over | 7,321 |
Campaign Type
| Non-Research Email | 93,976 |
| Non-Research Postal | 92,546 |
| Research Email | 93,459 |
| Research Postal | 91,950 |
ACSW | Academy of Certified Social Workers | 12,112 |
QCSW | Qualified Clinical Social Worker | 2,991 |
DCSW | Diplomate in Clinical Social Work | 4,212 |
ASW-G | Advanced Social Worker in Gerontology | 85 |
CSW-G | Clinical Social Worker in Gerontology | 155 |
SW-G | Social Worker in Gerontology | 21 |
C-CATODSW | Certified Clinical Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs Social Worker | 156 |
C-ACYFSW | Certified Advanced Children, Youth & Family Social Worker | 57 |
C-CYFSW | Certified Children, Youth & Family Social Worker | 3 |
C-SSWS | Certified School Social Work Specialist | 825 |
C-ASWCM | Certified Advanced Social Work Case Manager | 729 |
C-SWCM | Certified Social Work Case Manager | 56 |
C-SWHC | Certified Social Worker in Health Care | 303 |
ACHP-SW | Advanced Certified Hospice and Palliative Social Worker | 736 |
CHP-SW | Certified Hospice and Palliative Social Worker | 34 |
BSW | Bachelors in Social Work | 2,077 |
DSW | Doctorate in Social Work/PhD in Social Welfare | 2,398 |
MSW | Masters in Social Work | 62,342 |
Ethnic Background
AFAM | African American | 8,904 |
ASIAN | Asian / Pacific Islander | 1,687 |
| Blank / No Answer | 26,454 |
MEX | Chicano/Mexican | 1,737 |
AINA | Native American | 576 |
OTHER | Other | 1,371 |
OH | Other Hispanic / Latino | 2,843 |
PR | Puerto Rican | 949 |
WHITE | White / Caucasian | 51,322 |
F | Female | 71,777 |
M | Male | 16,990 |
Member Type
MSWT3 | | 1,183 |
REDIN | | 94 |
FOR | | 56 |
GOLD | | 2,110 |
GOLDW | | 110 |
ASSOC | Associate | 2,043 |
BSW | Bachelors Social Work | 2,077 |
BSW-S | Bachelors Social Work - Student | 2,150 |
BSW-T | Bachelors Social Work - Transitional | 1,463 |
DSW | Doctorate Social Work | 2,398 |
DOC-S | Doctorate Social Work - Student | 360 |
MSW | Masters Social Work | 61,159 |
MSW-S | Masters Social Work - Student | 9,958 |
MSW-T | Masters Social Work - Transitional | 5,724 |
RET | Retired | 4,829 |
UNEMP | Unemployed | 104 |
Membership Classes
| Associate | 2,043 |
| Regular | 81,307 |
| Student | 12,468 |
Primary Function
ADMG | Administration / Supervision | 4,410 |
CO | Community Organizing / Advocacy | 414 |
CONSULT | Consultation | 916 |
DIRSERV | Direct Services to Clients | 15,293 |
FUNDGRANT | Fundraising / Grant Writing | 41 |
OTH | Other | 1,694 |
LEGDEV | Policy / Legislation Development | 71 |
PLAN | Program Planning and Management | 284 |
RES | Research | 251 |
STU | Student | 30 |
TEACH | Teaching | 1,242 |
TRAIN | Training / Professional Development | 742 |
VOL | Volunteer | 15 |
Primary Practice Area
ADDICT | Addictions / Substance Use | 3,949 |
ADOL | Adolescent Services | 3,048 |
Primary Practice Area (cont.)
POLSW | Advocacy and Public Policy | 659 |
AGE | Aging | 3,429 |
CASE | Case Management | 1,160 |
CHFAM | Child/Family Welfare | 5,796 |
CHRON | Chronic Diseases | 135 |
COMMDEV | Community Development | 663 |
CRIM | Criminal Justice | 852 |
DEVDIS | Developmental Disabilities / Rehabilitation | 977 |
EQ/HR | Equity and Human Rights | 138 |
GRIEF/BER | Grief/Bereavement | 610 |
HLTH | Health | 6,484 |
HOME | Housing and Homeless Services | 325 |
DISPER | Immigrant and Displaced Persons Services | 425 |
INTLSW | International | 166 |
JUV | Juvenile Justice | 90 |
MHLTH | Mental Health | 35,904 |
MIL/VET | Military and Veterans | 637 |
EAP | Occupational SW/EAP | 352 |
OTH | Other | 4,641 |
PALL | Palliative Care | 361 |
PHILAN | Philanthropy | 80 |
PSYCH | Psychotherapy Services | 4,818 |
PUBHLTH | Public Health | 603 |
SSW | School Social Work-All Schools | 5,546 |
SWEDU | Social Work Education | 851 |
VIOLENCE | Trauma and Violence | 2,500 |
Primary Work Focus
| AIDS/HIV | 227 |
ATOD | Alcohol/Drug Abuse | 2,723 |
CONFLICT | Conflict Resolution | 340 |
DISAB | Developmental / Other Disabilities | 1,217 |
EMPLR | Employment Related | 373 |
FAM | Family Issues | 5,137 |
GRIEF | Grief/Bereavement | 1,161 |
HLTH | Health | 4,760 |
HOUSE | Housing | 716 |
INCM | Income Maintenance | 63 |
INDBP | Individual / Behavioral Problems | 14,149 |
INTL | International | 185 |
OTH | Other | 8,962 |
VVSERV | Violence / Victim Services | 1,327 |
Primary Work Setting
ASSIST | Assisted Living Residence | 184 |
MTLHLTHIN | Behavioral Health – Inpatient | 1,467 |
MTLHLTHOUT | Behavioral Health – Outpatient | 9,390 |
BUS | Business/Industry | 349 |
CHLDWLF | Child Welfare Family Agency | 1,659 |
COLL | College/University | 3,831 |
JUST | Criminal Justice System - Adults | 795 |
EAP | Employee Assistance Program | 246 |
FOUND | Foundation | 236 |
GOVAGCY | Government Agency | 962 |
HLTHIN | Health - Inpatient/Hospitals | 3,514 |
HLTHOUT | Health - Outpatient/Community Setting | 5,785 |
HOME | Home Health | 187 |
HOSPICE | Hospice | 1,248 |
ELDRHOUS | Independent Living/Elder Housing | 66 |
JUVJUST | Juvenile Justice System / Youth | 322 |
MCODOM | Managed Care Organization | 487 |
MTLHLTHIN | Mental Health - Inpatient | 1,467 |
MTLHLTHOUT | Mental Health - Out Patient | 9,390 |
GOVMIL | Military | 1,772 |
NURSING | Nursing Home/Long-Term Care | 566 |
OTH | Other | 5,406 |
PPGP | Private Practice - Group | 5,790 |
PPSOLO | Private Practice - Solo | 15,087 |
PROFTA | Professional Trade Association | 171 |
REHAB | Rehabilitation/ Skilled Nursing Facility | 53 |
RESFACADLT | Residential Care Facility - Adults | 478 |
RESFACCHLD | Residential Care Facility – Children | 371 |
SCHOOL | School - Elementary / Middle / High | 5,441 |
SSAGEN | Social Service Agency | 4,733 |
SUBUSEIN | Substance Use-Inpatient | 136 |
SUBUSEOUT | Substance Use-Outpatient | 324 |
GOVVET | Veterans Services | 334 |
Specialty Practice Sections
ADMNSPRV | Administration/Supervision | 4,006 |
AGING | Aging | 4,589 |
ATOD | Alcohol, Tobacco & Other Drugs | 3,701 |
CHLDWLF | Child Welfare | 1,989 |
CAYA | Children, Adolescents & Young Adults | 6,053 |
HLTH | Health | 3,488 |
MNTLHLTH | Mental Health | 15,646 |
PRIVPRAC | Private Practice | 16,969 |
SSW | School Social Work | 5,444 |
POVSOCJUS | Social & Economic Justice & Peace | 1,920 |
SSWCOURT | Social Work & the Courts | 1,584 |
New Professionals
| New Professionals - 0-3 years of Social Work Experience | 8,370 |
Email Fees
| A/B Split: $150F | |
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| Greater than 2 tests/changes: $50 per test/change | |
| HTML/Text Transmission Set-up Fee: $50F | |
| Image Hosting: $50 per image | |
| Personalization of transmission: $100F | |
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