Infocus Marketing

Achieving Success—Together

Since 1990, we have evolved from being the leading list manager exclusively serving professional and trade associations into an effective, full-service direct mail and email service provider for over 10,000 associations, businesses and nonprofit organizations.

So what can we do for you? Whether you’re looking to generate significant list rental income for your organization, or need a cost-effective solution to optimize your mail and email marketing response, INFOCUS Marketing is your trusted partner with a vested interest in your success. Click the icons below to learn more about all the unique benefits our services offer and you will quickly realize why we are the preferred resource in our industry.

List Management List Acquisition Data Services Design & Copywriting Print Production Mail Fulfillment Email Services

List Management

The core of our business, our list management solutions generate significant additional revenue for your organization. While you retain complete control and security over your member, customer, donor, attendee, or subscriber database, we utilize our vast resources and experience to optimize your list rental income while enhancing your organization's visibility within your industry and the advertising community.