Address Type
| Business Address | 10,292 |
| Residential Address | 33,340 |
Member Type
| Affiliated Professionals | 2,689 |
| Practicing Fellows & Jr. Fellows (Obstetricians and Gynecologists) | 32,597 |
| Residents | 6,305 |
Employer Type
| Government | 1,393 |
| HMO | 348 |
| Hospital | 14,525 |
| Medical School/University/Teaching Hospital | 6,244 |
| Multispecialty Group | 3,968 |
| OB/GYN Group | 5,521 |
| Self Employed | 5,675 |
Practice Type
| GYN Only | 4,201 |
| OB Only | 2,436 |
| OB/GYN | 1 |
| Office Only | 544 |
Practice Type (cont.)
| Other | 1,893 |
FPM | Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery | 1,044 |
Gyn Onc | Gynecologic Oncology | 947 |
MFM | Maternal Fetal Medicine | 3,265 |
| Non-General Specialist | 19,166 |
REI | Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility | 1,180 |
District I | Atlantic Provinces (New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, PEI), Chile, CT, ME, MA, NH, Quebec, RI, VT | 2,719 |
District II | NY, Bermuda | 3,276 |
District III | DE, Dominican Republic, NJ, PA | 3,524 |
District IV | DC, GA, MD, NC, SC, VA, WV, Argentina, Puerto Rico, West Indies | 6,428 |
District V | IN, KY, OH, MI, Ontario | 4,427 |
District VI | IL, IA, MN, NE, ND, SD, WI, Manitoba, Saskatchewan, Peru | 4,001 |
District VII | AL, AR, KS, LA, Mexico, MS, MO, OK, TN | 4,149 |
District VIII | AK, Alberta, AZ, British Columbia, Central America, CO, HI, ID, MT, NV, NM, OR, UT, WA, WY, American Samoa, Guam, Northwest Territory, Yukon Territory | 4,713 |
District IX | CA, Ecuador | 4,570 |
District XI | Texas | 3,386 |
District XII | FL, Colombia | 2,667 |